The Truth About Glyphosate

#1 — What is glyphosate?

Glyphosate is the mostly widely used pesticide and herbicide in the USA and the world.

It first entered our food chain 47 years ago, after Monsanto patented it and made it the active ingredient in "RoundUp".

Today, it toxifies the majority of America's most important crops: oats, wheat, corn, canola, soy, cotton & more.

Glyphosate has been linked to severe cancers, developmental disabilities, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and more.

But it continues to get sprayed on most of our food crops and the crops we use to feed livestock.

Many countries have banned glyphosate for residential use & public use, and have begun phasing it out of commercial use.

Most of the world recognizes, on official levels, how harmful glyphosate is.

America's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) still does not.

Despite the owners of Monsanto having already paid $10+ billions of dollars in glyphosate-related cancer lawsuits-- with tens of thousands still pending.

Though the EPA doesn't recognize glyphosate's toxicity, other important actors have declared glyphosate a probable carcinogen.

Glyphosate is, indeed, a deadly toxin, harmful to organisms, people, and the earth.

Today, several countries require warning labels on food products likely to contain glyphosate.

The UK has warning labels for genetically modified, RoundUp ready wheat (RoundUp ready) on Kraft Mac n Cheese.

The labels warn "GMO declaration" "**this product may have adverse effects on activity and attention in children".

Still, huge quantities of glyphosate-laden food to make their way on to American plates with no warning.

The GMO project has had minimal impact, because Big Food companies have no incentive to stop buying cheap, glyphosate-laden crops.

Glyphosate continues to be present in Quaker Oats, Nabisco Oreos, General Mills cereals, Lay's, Fritos, and more.

#2— Is this a conspiracy theory?

Call it what it is!

Our research relays facts— we help people connect the dots on their own using data.

Glyphosate was NOT manufactured as a conspiracy to harm humans and destroy the planet.

Chemical innovation in agriculture, as a whole, is massively beneficial.

GMO's, as a whole, are a triumph of humanity;

They increase yields safely, and nourish millions of people who would have otherwise starved.

RoundUp ready seeds, however, which are a type of GMO, are ridiculously corrosive to society.

Glphosate continue to be used because a handful of businesses haven't yet aligned their values with the values of citizens.

Farmers often get bullied in to using glyphosate, and they no choice but to use the toxic seeds.

And Big Food companies favor RoundUp ready crops in their ingredients because they're so much cheaper.

So while there's no "conspiracy", bad actors are not serving our best interests.

#3— What are "RoundUp Ready" seeds?

RoundUp Ready seeds are seeds that are genetically engineered to withstand Glyphosate.

Normal crops die when sprayed with Glyphosate during their early stages of development,

but crops from RoundUp ready seeds survive, and significantly contaminate our food supply.

Now, RoundUp ready seeds, a type of GMO, make up the majority of food crops grown in the USA.

The first RoundUp Ready seeds were developed by Monsanto in the 1980s, and used commercially starting in 1996.

Because of these seeds, between 1996 and 2006, glyphosate use on soybeans, America's second most widely grown crop, increased 500%.

As of 2021, the majority of American soy, corn, alfalfa, and sugarbeets are RoundUp ready.

And most oats, wheat, cotton, and other widely grown crops, even if they're not "RoundUp Ready", are sprayed with increasing volumes of glyphosate every year.

Luckily, this data now freely exists for all to see.

#4— Why do foods from PepisCo, General Mills, Mondelēz International, and other big brands contain glyphosate?

Currently, the regulation of food, drug, and chemical products in the USA is haphazard.

Big brands continue to get away with using cheaply produced, glyphosate-laden ingredients because nobody is stopping them.

The greed and misaligned values of these brands are masked by their prestige and legacy.

This injustice continues because Big Food and Ag spend millions of dollars lobbying politicians every year.

The political influence these dollars grant these two behemoths allows them to carry out business as usual--pushing poisonous food products in schools, hospitals, and other places where good food should be a priority.

Big Food still creates huge demand for glyphosate-laden crops because the crops keep ingredient costs low for food manufacturing.

But why must we, the citizens, be poisoned in the name of profit to a few businesses?

The answer is: we shouldn't.

Together, as members of a future-friendly world, we're bringing an end business as usual and creating change.

PepsiCo, General Mills, Mondelez International, and others beware!

There's a new wave of consumers in town. And we demand better.

#5— What governments and states acknowledge the dangers of glyphosate?

On January 1st, 2021, Luxembourg became the first country in the EU to successfully ban glyphsoate.

Other countries, like Austria, Sri Lanka, and Thailand have made attempts to ban glyphosate, but their attempts get squashed.

More countries like France, England, India, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, UAE, Qatar, and others have banned glyphosate in public areas (parks, schoolyards, sidewalks, and other public walkways)...

And they're phasing out commercial glyphosate use, aiming to eventually be glyphosate-free.

American cities and states are rolling out local bans on glyphosate in public spaces, too:

Chicago, Miami, Tuscon, Portland, Seattle, Hartford, Springfield, Boulder, and other cities banned glyphosate,

but public and residential glyphosate use acocounts for only a small percentage of total glyphosate use.

Commercial agriculture is the biggest culprit, and it still goes unchecked.

So while most of the world is making good progress on reducing glyphosate use, commercially-caused glyphosate contamination is rampant.

And thus, glyphosate, the most widely used pesticide, herbicide, and fungicide in the world, continues to contaminate the American food chain, making its way in to our oatmeal, our chips, our crackers, and especially our meat.

Germany, Mexico, and other countries have vowed to completely eliminate glyphosate from their supply chains by 2024.

But America is lagging behind.

Glyphosate use is growing here. And the US government hasn't laid out a plan to stop it.

Big Food brands who operate in America continue to buy up the cheap, glyphosate-laden crops to make food,

and they hide their lack of integrity through campaigns and labels purporting to denounce glyphosate.

But we, the citizens, know better.

In 2021, there's too much high-quality data to allow ourselves and our loved ones be poisoned by a shady few.

Canada's largest agribusiness, Richardson International, announced in early 2021 they'll no longer accept oat crops sprayed with glyphosate.

Richardson International, and other forward thinkers provide momentum for the elimination of glyphosate in the North American food supply chain.

But a handful of American businesses are putting the whole country on track to using more glyphosate next year, in 2022, than we did this year.

But we've got options!