Kraft Original Mac & Cheese



This product is among the most toxic food products sold in the USA today.

🤓 Kraft Mac and Cheese is an iconic American food product.

Whether it's served as a side dish, a snack, or a whole meal, it's held a special place in our hearts for decades.

It's a shame to learn that it's made with highly contaminated ingredients — wheat likely being the biggest culprit.

The wheat is incredibly toxic, and horribly harmful to our microbiomes.

Kraft Mac and Cheese in America ought to have the same warning label that it has in the UK.

In the UK, the label reads "this product may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children".

Yep, that's the glyphosate. At least Kraft is held accountable in the UK!

Avoid this horrible product at all costs.

*please note that no two boxes of Kraft Mac and Cheese have the same PPB of glyphosate. several tests indicate alarmingly high glyphosate content, but the exact amounts vary

The Usual Offenders